Key-Art Designer and creator of On-Air logos for the Oxygen Network. This role encompasses a diverse range of mediums including Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, print materials, billboards, upfront presentations, digital platforms, and pop-up promotions.

This was the very first project I had the opportunity to work on during my time at Oxygen. Collaborating with an incredibly talented retoucher, I meticulously created various comps of the final key-art to provide clear direction for their vision. This particular image was constructed using an extensive library, where each individual was comped together from between four to six different photos. Additionally, I took the initiative to create some of the essential assets from scratch, which included building realistic legs, skillfully painting hair, crafting detailed grass, and designing a driveway.
Retouching by Nina Chiofola
Quit Your Day Job
Created by Randi Zuckerburg, gave everyday product designers an opportunity to pitch their work to a board of execs, so they could own their own business. Comp’d and Directed Key-Art
Prancing Elites
Followed 6 queer and gay “jette“ dancers from Alabama to New Orleans. Cameras followed as they went through life, love, tragedy, and success! Comp’d and Directed Key-Art.